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1. What do you do with my donor information?

For more information regarding our Privacy Policy, please follow the below link:


2. What percentage of my donation goes to the cause?

100% of your gift goes to the cause. All organization operational costs come from donations.


3. How secure is your online donation form?

At the moment our website is hosted by We have a secure PayPal payment system set up and our banking details are displayed, for any monetary donations. Please feel free to request any bank account validation documentation via the “Contact Us” page. Our online donation form displays what we need, Should you want to make an in-kind donation, please Contact us to arrange pick-up if delivery is not possible.


4. Whoops! I didn’t mean to donate that amount. How do I get a refund?

Please refer to our "Contact Us" page and send us an email, we'll contact our bank and arrange a reversal of funds & notify you as soon as the reversal is initiated.


5. How do I volunteer for your cause?

Please refer to our "Contact Us" page and send us an email. 


6. What can I expect after I donate to your cause?

We have a presence on all major social media platforms. We'll be sure to publish various posts and shout-outs. We'll provide you with a report regarding how your gift made a difference.  

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